Right Lawn Care, America's Lawn Specialists, Call Today 516-734-5743, For A Free Lawn Analysis



4 visits will protect your pets and family for an entire season!

Did you know that fleas and ticks can lay thousands of eggs at one given time? Fleas and ticks are an epidemic in the warm weather. They carry a wide variety of diseases that may harm your pets and family. Ticks are parasites that depend on the survival of another living being, such as a human or animal. This relatively serves as a concern for everyone.

Our specialists will treat your entire lawn area to ensure protection against fleas and ticks. Our four visits begin in the Spring at 6 week intervals and ends in the Fall. Our professional Flea and Tick program will protect you throughout the season. Results are achieved by following our step by step instructions.

At Right Lawn Care, we will give you the peace of mind. Give your pets the freedom they deserve without worries or harm! Call us today so we can begin protecting you!

Call Today!
For A Free Lawn Analysis


Program Outline:

Granular or Liquid Insect Control

Early Summer
Granular or Liquid Insect Control
Granular or Liquid Insect Control
Granular or Liquid Insect Control


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